Happy New Year!

Marquette, MIJanuary 2, 2020 – New Year Resolutions seem to be as old as time itself. I have made many resolutions that I never came close to keeping, but it always seems like a good time to wipe the slate clean and turn over a new leaf.

That is the hope for me this year.

I have outlined 3 New Year resolutions for myself. They are:
1. Become more responsible financially
– I am what some would consider “frugal” most of the time. I don’t really like to spend money with once exception: food. When it comes to food I will spend not realizing how quickly it all adds up. So in 2020 I want to not eat out as much and have the will power to spend much less on eating out.

2. Be more forthcoming with asking for help and helping others
– Ask anyone that knows me and they will tell you that I can be a pretty stubborn person. In 2020 I want to be OK with asking people for help instead of trying to do everything in my life myself. I also want to be outgoing and helping others and asking others if they need help.

3. Read 3 books
– In my last post, I told you I don’t read very many books. I want that to change in 2020. I want to expand my horizons and read at least 3 books.

What are your 2020 resolutions? Let me know!

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