Marquette, MI – July 10, 2020 – The week of semi-finalists calling Mark and Walt live on air is now over! The lucky finalists of the Cub Cadet Ultima ZT1 quarterly giveaway have been selected and will soon receive their prizes! We teamed up with Bergdahl’s of Skandia again who provided this quarter’s grand prize, the Cub Cadet Ultima ZT1 riding lawn mower. Our winner will still have plenty of time to use during this hot summer!
Though we didn’t hold our usual giveaway party due to COVID-19, we still had fun listening to the semi-finalists call in and chat with Mark and Walt on The Morning Show.

50 semi-finalists were mailed an invitation to call Mark and Walt live on air during a specific day this week, for a chance to be a finalist. Then this morning, the guys held a drawing to pick 5 semi-finalists who called in to be the five finalists! Listen to the drawing for the finalists here.
Doug Pearson of Ishpeming won the Cub Cadet mower grand prize, Katie Holt of Skandia won the runner up prize of 195 gallons of gas from Crossroads Mini-Mart and Kountry Korner Shell, and Cole Dowrick, Shanna Klabucher, and Jennifer Ogea, all from Ishpeming, each won one of the three Gold Star Packages from Swick!
Thank you to everyone who entered in the giveaway! Congratulations to all of the winners, and we hope to see you all next quarter!
See other stories at: sunny.fm, wrup.com, foxsportsmarquette.com, or mediabrewup.com.
Thank you to all of our sponsors: Bergdahl’s, Kountry Korner, Super One Foods of Marquette and Negaunee, Honor Credit Union, Landmark Inn, Northland Pub, Mama Russo’s, River Rock Lanes, The Piedmont, Great Lakes Fresh Market, Hudson’s, Ojibwa Casino, Jet’s of Marquette & Escanaba, and Tadych’s Econo Foods