U.S. Representative of Michigan’s 1st Congressional District Jack Bergman Hears Upper Michigan Farm Bureau Member Concerns

Thanks to Jack Bergman for hearing Upper Peninsula resident concerns.
Thanks to Jack Bergman for hearing Upper Peninsula resident concerns.

Marquette, MI  –  March 28, 2019  – This morning 24 Farm Bureau members including organic farms from Iron Mountain who supply products Econo Foods and Marquette Food Co-Op and our very own Todd Noordyk spent an hour with Jack Bergman in Washington, D.C.. As the U.S. Representative for Northern Michigan from Traverse City to Marquette and beyond, Bergman met with Farm Bureau members to discuss several issues.

Concerns about the trade for Michigan Cherries are dairy and better management of the Grey Wolf population were among the concerns voiced today. Farm Bureau representatives also spoke about the Clean Water Act and the clean water solutions the Farm Bureau has been working on to help provide more opportunities to smaller farmers. The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement was also a main topic of today’s discussion. The first passage will launch other new trade agreements with Japan, the European Union as well as Ireland and Great Britain if Brexit comes to pass.

During today’s meeting, Jack Bergman also agreed to continue his work with local radio, calling in to Sunny.FM 101.9 each month to speak with Walt Lindala about local news updates! While wrapping up the conference Jack Bergman made a statement to reassure people of the successes coming out of Washington, D.C.: “Democrats and Republicans are actually working closely together everyday. Things are getting done daily, but you’d never know that by watching the TV news.”

Tonight, Jack Bergman will be with President Trump in Grand Rapids, Michigan for the President’s rally and campaign.

Check out some pictures of the Farm Bureau’s trip to D.C.